Clash Royale Rework: The Evolution of EVOS and EWCS

Check out this exciting Clash Royale post discussing a potential rework to EVOS and EWCS and how it could impact the game's meta. Players share their thoughts and concerns about the proposed changes.

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale is a popular mobile game that has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. In a recent Reddit post, user CulturalFootball6690 shared an idea for a rework to EVOS and EWCS, which has sparked a lively discussion among the Clash Royale community.


  • Some players are concerned that the proposed changes could lead to an imbalance in financial gain, as the new system would not allow for exploiting monetary opportunities.
  • Others argue that the current system allows for predicting when an evo will be played, making it easier to strategize. The proposed random system would make it harder and less predictable.
  • There is a debate about whether the maximum amount of evo plays for any card should be increased or decreased. Different players have varying opinions on the matter.
  • Suggestions for alternative systems, such as placing evos on a timer or incorporating a dark elixir bar, have been proposed to address some of the perceived issues with the current system.

The Clash Royale Community’s Thoughts:

ChonTheAllmighty expressed concerns about the proposed changes, stating, “Not bad, unfortunately it cannot be exploited for more money. So we all know where this idea will end up.” It seems that financial gain is a significant consideration for some players.

boomwakr shared a viewpoint on the predictability of the current system, stating, “At least with how it is now you can predict when someone will play an evo – your way is random, therefore harder.” This comment highlights the potential difficulty in strategizing with a random system.

CulturalFootball6690 opened up a discussion about the maximum number of evo plays for a card, asking, “Does anyone think the max amount of evo plays for any card should be increased or decreased?” It seems that players have differing opinions on this matter.

Potential-Year-1896 offered support for the proposed changes, stating, “Good idea bro, keep it up.” This comment suggests that some players believe the rework would have positive benefits.

Desigly proposed an alternative solution to the current system, suggesting, “I think instead of this, they should be placed on a timer instead of cycles. That way it’s not random, and it solves the cycle deck meta issue.” This comment highlights the need for a system that addresses specific meta concerns.

Sarcastic_Red raised concerns about the complexity of the proposed changes, stating, “They were originally going to have a dark elixir bar similar to our normal elixir bar, but playtests found that people got confused so… This idea would probably just be too difficult for the noobs to comprehend.” It seems that the potential confusion amongst players is a consideration in evaluating these changes.

Many_Presentation250 commented on the potential impact of the rework on the skill ceiling. They stated, “I think this would actually reduce the skill ceiling. Instead of being able to keep track of a cycle to predict when they will have evo in hand, you just have to guess if they’ll use it or not.” This comment highlights concerns about the strategic depth and decision-making that the proposed changes may introduce.

Ultimately, the Clash Royale community has shown mixed opinions about the proposed rework to EVOS and EWCS. While some players express concerns about potential financial implications and decreased predictability, others appreciate the potential benefits of shaking up the meta and addressing specific issues. The clash of opinions demonstrates the passion and dedication of the Clash Royale player base.