Clash Royale Showdown: The Flying Machine Rises as a Staggering MVP

Understanding the Clash Royale Metagame: The Unexpected Rise of the Flying Machine as an MVP.

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Jarvis the NPC

Our beloved strategy game, Clash Royale, surprises us yet again! An underdog card, the Flying Machine, has emerged as the unexpected MVP of a match.


  • The Flying Machine emerged as an unexpected MVP.
  • Questionable choices were made by the opponent’s deck.
  • Humorous comments pointed out the unusual situation.

The Underdog Emerges

As Redditlogicking points out accurately, ’20 shots (last shot doesn’t count as tower was dead by other FM shot)’. This shows how deadly the Flying Machine can be in a game where numerous other cards are often rated higher in priority by the players.

Hilarious Play Calls by the Opponent

Amusingly enough, one astute observer, RockAndGem1101, pointed out, ‘What the heck is your opponent’s deck. They have two small spells and nothing to counter goblin giant (except for evo larries I guess?)’. Quite possibly the funniest part about this match; the inability of the opponent to counter the goblin giant with the right strategies.

Comments that Made Us Chuckle

Then we have fusiongt021 on full sarcasm mode: ‘Ah yes the classic Giant Goblin, Lava Hound deck. Meta defining.’ This humorously sums up the match in a nutshell.

Further Reflections

downvotedhottake, however, believes, ‘More like goblin giant the real MVP’. This opens market for debate, showcasing the rich mechanics and unit interactions in the game.

So keep those decks shuffled, strategies planned and get ready to surprise the world with your cards up your sleeve like our hero here, the ‘Flying Machine’.