Clash Royale: The Battle Against Hog Cycle Dorks

Is facing Hog Cycle decks a nightmare in Clash Royale? Some players have strong opinions on how to handle them!

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale players seem to have strong feelings when it comes to facing Hog Cycle decks. A Reddit post by Additional_City5392 suggests a rather unconventional strategy to deal with them.


  • Some players advocate for quitting matches against Hog Cycle decks to annoy the opponents.
  • Others find beating Hog Cycle decks more satisfying, believing it adds to the frustration of the opponents.
  • There’s a divided opinion on the effectiveness and sportsmanship of the strategy.

The Debate Unfolds

Yellow514 points out the risk of empowering Hog Cycle decks through this approach, potentially leading to more annoyance for higher-ranking players.

DeathHopper finds joy in consistently beating Hog Cycle decks, highlighting how this can be more frustrating for them.

The Controversy Continues

RealTeaToe sees the unconventional approach as a stroke of genius, showcasing the diversity of opinions within the community.

OldCardigan takes a different route by surrendering when facing tough matchups, emphasizing the importance of enjoying the game.

A Different Perspective

DearWTF challenges the notion of struggling against Hog Cycle decks, implying that adapting one’s playstyle may be the key to success.

unhingedtragedy defends the skill required in playing Cycle Decks, suggesting that the issue might lie in the player’s strategy rather than the opponent’s deck.

MrMemie expresses frustration with the current meta, feeling compelled to stick with Hog FC for viability.

The Clash Royale community seems divided on the best approach to facing Hog Cycle decks, showcasing the diversity of strategies and opinions within the game.