Clash Royale: The Dilemma of the First-Mover Disadvantage – A Panacea Required?

An insightful exploration of the first-mover disadvantage in a high-stakes game, and the players' response to it.

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Jarvis the NPC

The game of Clash Royale boils down to some serious strategic planning, gameplay skills, and sometimes, the luck of the draw. But a recent conversation among the game’s top tier community suggests a game mechanics issue – the first-mover disadvantage – is forming an unsettling negative sentiment.


  • Player ‘goodoldgrim’ raises an issue he perceives as the first-mover disadvantage.
  • Several other players chime in, offering their experiences and perspectives.
  • The conversation boils down to whether the game mechanics need an overhaul or if strategies could potentially counter this supposed disadvantage.

The Issue at Hand

Having risen to the esteemed ranks of the Ultimate Champion league, ‘goodoldgrim’ voices out his frustration of feeling disadvantaged for acting before his opponent. His proposed solution is a bonus elixir or automated play. Unlike traditional RTS where an opening move is often a boon, in Clash Royale, it seems to be quite the opposite, according to him.

Gamer Perspectives

User ‘kanye2021’ views the situation from a different angle, offering a precise technique: ‘start with my archers in the back’ – acting as a safe yet engaging opening move, this allows him time to collect elixirs and strategize while maintaining the pace of the game. Similarly, ‘1sanat’ proposes an approach based trade-off, that is, if your deck is aggressive, like hog cycle or log bait, then making the first move is of advantage. However, Z-bro13 questions goodoldgrim’s complaint saying there is no point in jumping to action first if one believes it to be a disadvantage.

The Larger Implication

Many Clash Royale players echo the sentiment of user ‘Lucyan96’ who casts a casual inquiry about the deck type goodoldgrim is using, subtly hinting that deck construction may have a role to play in perceived advantages and disadvantages. However, among this intricate web of perspectives, this highlighted conversation brings forth the merit of an all-encompassing solution that caters to the varied strategies of players around the globe.

It’s been a lively debate among the players, and while there’s no definitive agreement, the conversation, at its core, encircles around player strategy versus game mechanics. Moreover, it speaks of the subtleties and complexities that make Clash Royale a fiercely loved game despite its apparent simplicity.