Clash Royale: The Great Chest Glitch Debacle

Players upset over a chest glitch in Clash Royale have taken to Reddit to air their grievances about the game's issues and lackluster support.

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale players are in uproar over the infamous chest glitch that has left many with broken accounts and missing resources. User PuzzleheadedDoubt372 posted about their negative experience, receiving a flood of comments sharing similar frustrations.


  • Players affected by the chest glitch feel ignored by the support team.
  • Some users express frustration with the lack of proper fixes to account issues.
  • There’s discontent over lost resources and downgraded card levels.

Players Feel Ignored

Many users, like _Rivlin_, criticized the lack of response to account issues, highlighting a disconnect between players and the support team. This sentiment was echoed by CreativeInspector895, who felt their concerns were being disregarded.

Lack of Proper Fixes

Users, such as No-Professional9525, shared stories of incomplete solutions to account problems, leading to further frustrations. The sentiment of feeling let down by the support team was prevalent in comments like ElPepper90’s sarcastic conversation with support

Discontent Over Lost Resources

Salty_Mastodon_7481’s satirical comment on the game’s approach to card upgrades struck a chord with users, highlighting the frustration of losing hard-earned resources. Others, like Potential-Year-1896, expressed dismay over the lack of accountability from the support team.

The Clash Royale community’s outcry over the chest glitch reflects a larger issue of player dissatisfaction with the game’s support system and handling of account issues. With accounts left broken and resources missing, players are left feeling frustrated and unheard. The lack of proper fixes and communication from the support team has only added fuel to the fire, alienating dedicated players and tarnishing the overall player experience