Clash Royale: The Great Goblin Cage Debate in the Community

Join the Clash Royale discussion on whether the Goblin Cage needs an evolution or a buff. See what players are saying!

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale players are buzzing about the Goblin Cage and whether it needs an evolution or a buff. Some believe it’s underrated, while others think it’s underpowered.


  • Players have mixed views on the Goblin Cage’s current state.
  • Suggestions for an evolution include new abilities and spawn mechanics.
  • Debates range from balancing concerns to innovative design ideas.

Evolution Ideas

Some players argue for an evolution that allows the Goblin to attack from within the cage, while others propose turning the cage into a Goblin Brawler spawner.

Player Sentiments

Opinions vary from calling the Goblin Cage an ‘absolute beast’ to requests for an HP buff for the Goblin Brawler.

Game Balancing

Discussions delve into how changes to the Goblin Cage could impact game balance, highlighting concerns over its current effectiveness.