Clash Royale: The Log Bait Deck Controversy Explained

Discover why Clash Royale players are divided over the log bait deck.

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale players are buzzing about the log bait deck and its impact on the game. Let’s dive into the Reddit post to uncover the controversy!


  • Players see the log bait deck as both skillful and frustrating
  • Opinions range from praise to outright disdain
  • Issues of skill and strategy heavily debated

Ice Spirit Evolution

One user humorously remarked, “Bro’s ice spirit evolved into ice Golem ☃️,” hinting at the deck’s power progression.

Skilled Gameplay

Another player noted, “Takes skill until evo knight arrives,” highlighting the perceived difficulty and later game balance.

Frustration and Bans

A frustrated player confessed, “I want to say a few bad words, but I could be banned forever for what I want to say,” showcasing the emotional reactions the deck elicits.

Debatable Skill

One user quipped, “You forgot the put some skill on it,” sarcastically questioning the required skill level for the deck.

It’s good because you can kite with ice golem,” highlighting a strategic advantage of the log bait deck.

Wdyf about stop posting your decks cuz noone cares,” expressing disdain for the proliferation of deck posts.

The Clash Royale community’s feelings toward the log bait deck are as divided as ever, with arguments revolving around skill ceiling, balance, and overall game enjoyment. Whether you love it or hate it, one thing is certain – the log bait deck sparks lively debates and emotions within the player base. As the meta continues to evolve, only time will tell if the log bait deck remains a beloved strategy or fades into obscurity. But for now, the clash of opinions rages on, adding an extra layer of excitement to the Clash Royale experience is captured perfectly in this Reddit post.