Clash Royale: The Never-Ending Battle Against Repetitive Posts

Dive into the Clash Royale subreddit chaos as users debate over the redundancy of posts in a humorous clash of opinions.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Clash Royale subreddit is no stranger to the eternal struggle against repetitive content. Users clash over the never-ending battle against redundant posts, igniting a fierce debate that keeps the subreddit buzzing.


  • Original content sparks joy, but redundant posts can lead to frustration.
  • Some users defend the right to express happiness through duplicate content.
  • The community is divided between those who seek change and those who accept the status quo.

Embracing Redundancy

Some users, like Royal-Rayol, believe that people are just trying to earn karma by reposting. It’s a sly tactic in the world of Reddit where upvotes reign supreme. But isn’t karma just a digital currency we all strive for in the end?

The Rarity of Happiness

Anxious-Strength-855 points out the rarity of joy within the Clash Royale community. When good things happen in the game, users want to express their happiness multiple times over. It’s like finding a shiny Pokémon—you can’t help but share the excitement repeatedly!

The Accidental Reposter

Apologies rain down from DobreRanoFifqo as they acknowledge their unintentional reposting. We’ve all been there, hitting that ‘submit’ button only to realize the topic was already discussed. Let he who has never reposted cast the first downvote!

A Call to Arms

Gnomedrakon confronts the issue head-on, calling out users for becoming part of the problem. It’s easy to get caught up in the reposting cycle, but breaking free takes effort. Will the Clash Royale community rise above the redundancy, or is this a battle destined to repeat endlessly?

If you ain’t gonna help us out and report the posts then you shouldn’t expect them to get removed in a timely manner. – jmanguy