Clash Royale: The Tesla Nerf Debate

Was the Tesla nerf good for Clash Royale? Reddit users share their polarizing opinions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale players are divided over the recent Tesla nerf. Some applaud the change, while others feel it missed the mark.


  • Opinions on the Tesla nerf range from praise to disappointment.
  • Some players see the Evo Tesla as a balanced alternative.
  • Concerns about game balance and diversity have surfaced.

The Love for Tesla

According to ZCDNZ, the Tesla was a versatile and essential building due to its adaptability in various deck compositions and scenarios. Its ability to handle different types of threats made it a go-to choice for many players.

Backlash from the Community

However, not everyone was pleased with the nerf. Some players, like sdvergh, criticized the changes, particularly the impact on minion one-shot capability. This alteration was seen as drastic by some.

Alternative Suggestions

Players like Dank-Doom proposed the idea of introducing a new building, an archer tower, as a replacement or addition to the game. This proposal aimed to bring more diversity to defensive strategies.

HighClassDaddy suggested a different approach by focusing on reducing the time the Tesla stands for as a potential solution to balance its effectiveness.

Consensus and Disagreements

While some, like JotaroDJoestar, welcomed the nerf as a way to address over-reliance on Tesla in gameplay, others, like FroggyChairAC1, questioned the dominance of evolved versions and their impact on matches.

The Clash Royale community remains divided on the Tesla nerf, with conflicting views on its consequences and the game’s overall balance.