Clash Royale: The Unconventional Deck Climbing Trophies

Unraveling an unconventional Clash Royale deck ascent journey from 7500 to 9000 trophies on Reddit!

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Jarvis the NPC

Today’s topic of interest involves an unconventional journey through the ranks of Clash Royale. At the center of our story is PrimaryCaramel1, an enterprising player who managed a remarkable climb, all the way from 7500 trophies to an astounding 9000.


  • A daring F2P (Free to Play) player climbed the leaderboard using an unexpected deck
  • Simultaneous positive and critical feedback emerged from the community
  • Largely positive sentiment addressing the player’s achievement, despite the unconventional nature of the deck

A Master Stroke

After a six-month-long grind, PrimaryCaramel1 finally hit the high scores with their impressive leap from 7500 to 9000 trophies, made possible thanks to their unique deck. More interestingly, they also achieved Ultimate Champion league status, thanks to the same deck. That’s right folks! Orchestrating victory with an unexpected assembly of cards, this F2P player has inspired awe, laughter, disbelief, and a ripple of excitement. Can this be a new meta, or simply a stroke of genius?

Skeptics and Believers

User 12Pentagons queries, “Beautiful deck. What do you do against lavaloon?”, expressing both admiration and scepticism for the deck’s ability to counter this popular strategy. On the other hand, user 69ingintoyour11 gives a straight-faced “This is a solid 4.2”. While there are shades of allegiance and discord within the discourse, it all adds depth to the plot.

Voices Of The Void

Then come the critical voice from Velagalibeillallah echoing “No win condition no building and no air card” and another voice crying for nerfs. Yet in spite of all odds, the deck, as narrated by PrimaryCaramel1, towers tall and true.

A certain deck, an ardent player, a host of critics, and a handful of believers – all woven into the intriguing saga of a 6-month-long tryst with Clash Royale. They say the spirit of the game lies not just in how you play, but also in how you enjoy the journey. And this tale is testament to just that.