Clash Royale: To Buy or Not to Buy, That’s the Royal Question

Dive into the Clash Royale community conversation on whether purchasing certain items in the game is worth the in-game currency.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Clash Royale, one of the most pressing debates is whether or not to invest in-game currency in certain purchases. This issue takes center stage in a post made by rogue_2769, a Clash Royale player looking for some sage advice.


  • The sentiment towards buying in-game content seems largely influenced by individual play style and game progress.
  • Witty and serious responses shed light on the opportunity cost of such purchases.
  • Users in higher game levels appear more willing to purchase.

Play Style and Strategy

ClayshRoyayshKJ’s remark, ‘If you use sparky, yes. If you do not, then no.’ suggests that purchasing decisions can be based on specific game strategies. The Sparky card, a high-damage dealer in Clash Royale, could be seen as a worthwhile investment by some, but not all players.

The Value of Gold

Several users like MiddleBackground9539 voiced their opinion on the value of gold. His statement, ‘Do not buy it. 15K gold is worth way more than 1 legendary.’, suggests that the perceived value of in-game currency may outweigh the desire for singular, powerful cards.

Leveling Up

Experience and game level were other factors cited by users like ZealousidealFocus769. He points out, ‘Depends……If you’re experienced player (high king tower than 12) : then yess! … If you’re a newbie player then…. no!’ This highlights that more experienced players might have currency surplus and thus are more likely to consider such purchases.

It’s clear from the variety of opinions that choosing to spend in-game currency in Clash Royale is a subjective decision, influenced by individual strategies, how each player values their in-game currency, and their level of experience. Gamers, it seems, will need to continue this debate in future battles. Maybe the real winner here is the developer, as The_Real_Suparcell cheekily notes, ‘Yes, it supports our struggling employees’.