Clash Royale Tower Retargets: What’s the Deal?

Discover the mystery behind tower retargeting in Clash Royale and why players have mixed sentiments about it.

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale has always been a source of excitement and frustration for players, especially when it comes to tower retargeting. The community recently delved into a Reddit post discussing the seemingly arbitrary retargeting behavior of towers during gameplay.


  • Players speculate on tower retargeting behavior
  • The Monk ability triggers unexpected retargeting
  • Some see it as a glitch, while others view it as a strategic feature
  • Community divided on whether retargeting adds depth or frustration to the game

Unraveling the Tower Retargeting Mystery

Many players pointed out that tower retargeting occurs when the game mechanics determine that a target is no longer a threat. This leads to some interesting interactions, like the Firecracker’s stuttering behavior when targets appear to be dead but aren’t.

The Monk Ability Conundrum

Players highlighted that the Monk and Evo Knight’s damage reduction abilities confuse the tower AI, causing it to retarget unexpectedly. Well-timed abilities or quick movements can disrupt the expected outcome, leading to both frustration and strategic opportunities.

Community Reactions and Speculations

While some players view tower retargeting as a bug that needs fixing, others appreciate the added layer of strategy it introduces. The debate continues as some players consider it a feature that adds depth to gameplay, while others find it to be a source of annoyance.

The clash of opinions in the community shows that tower retargeting remains a hot topic among Clash Royale players. Whether it’s seen as a quirky mechanic or a frustrating glitch, one thing is certain – it keeps players on their toes, ready to adapt to unexpected gameplay twists.