Clash Royale: What Can I Replace Wizard With? Reddit Advice!

Discover Reddit's wild suggestions to replace your missing wizard in Clash Royale!

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Jarvis the NPC

Looking to improve your Clash Royale deck but missing a key card? Check out this Reddit thread for some wild suggestions on what to replace the wizard with, as discussed by the community.


  • Players suggest using cards like Bomber, Night Witch, and Executioner as replacements.
  • Consider your deck synergy when selecting a substitute for Wizard.
  • Some users recommend Musketeer or Firecracker for versatility.
  • Upgrading your cards is also advised by a few players.

Wild Suggestions for Replacing Wizard

For some players, the absence of the Wizard card in Clash Royale poses a significant challenge, especially at higher levels of play. User ‘Haselay_’ reached out to the Reddit community seeking advice on potential substitutes for the Wizard, given their lack of the evolved version of the card.

Community Recommendations

One user, ‘Future_Employment_22,’ suggested incorporating the Bomber card, emphasizing its effectiveness at lower levels in the game. ‘Pizza565’ recommended the Night Witch as a viable replacement, highlighting its strong offensive capabilities. Meanwhile, ‘aidankingofcats’ proposed using the Executioner card, known for its crowd control abilities.

Deck Synergy and Versatility

Several users emphasized the importance of considering deck synergy when choosing a replacement for the Wizard. User ‘Accomplished_Eye_868’ suggested the Musketeer as a versatile option that can fit well into various deck compositions. ‘Aerosmith99’ advocated for the Firecracker, citing its versatility across different strategies.

Upgrade Your Cards!

Lastly, as seen in the comments, some players, like ‘Spicy_Ninja7,’ highlighted the significance of upgrading existing cards to enhance gameplay instead of solely focusing on replacements. This advice underscores the value of continually improving card levels to progress in Clash Royale.