Clash Royale: What’s the Best Evolution in the Game? – Reddit Community Insights

Explore the Clash Royale Reddit community's thoughts on the best card evolutions and why they work or don't in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale players on Reddit are debating the best card evolutions in the game. Let’s dive into their diverse opinions and insights to see what makes a perfect evolution and why some cards stand out more than others.


  • Players value evolutions that enhance cards without drastically altering their core gameplay mechanics.
  • Some believe that the best evolutions are those that maintain balance and strategic depth.
  • Cards like Bats, Mortar, and Barbarians are highlighted as well-designed evolutions that add value without breaking the game.

Bats: A Fan Favorite

According to user Ok_Guest6046, Bats stand out as the best evolution due to their incremental improvement without becoming overpowered. Users appreciate subtle enhancements that don’t overpower the original card.

Mortar: Augmenting Gameplay

le_Beast_ praises Mortar’s evolution for augmenting its usage and making the game more interesting without drastically changing its core mechanics, highlighting the importance of maintaining the card’s essence.

Elixir Wizard: Striking a Balance

ilovethefisherman notes the delicate balance of the Elixir Wizard’s evolution, acknowledging its power while attributing its effectiveness to the base form’s limitations, showcasing the importance of synergy between forms.

Barbarians: Consistent Strength

Random_local_man appreciates the Barbarians’ evolution for enhancing their role without altering their primary function, ensuring they remain strong while still vulnerable.