Clash Royale’s Evo Tier List: A Redditor’s Viewpoint and the Community Feedback

Analysis of the Clash Royale community's reaction to Connect-Act-9209's EVO tier list.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the vibrant world of Clash Royale, Connect-Act-9209 has thrown down their cards and put forward their ultimate EVO tier list. This electrifying decision has attracted opinions as explosive as a barrel of goblins!


  • There is notable controversy over the placement of barbarians, recruits, mortar, and firecrackers in the EVO tier list.
  • Most community members believe the game is well balanced.
  • Many suggest changes to the placements of the knight and the skeletons.

Differing Opinions

There is a strong consensus among community members regarding modifications to the original list. The_King_of_Okay and Encaphone both suggest a swap between barbarians and recruits. Encaphone further advises swapping knights and skeletons and mortar for firecracker.

Balance of the Game

Eydjey praises the current game balance indicating that although knight and archers remain powerful, easy countermeasures with a small increase in elexir can tackle them. However, skeletons are the real stars, according to Eydjey, due to their stellar elexor trade potential.

A Rank Redistribution?

It appears that there might be a shakeup in the rankings! EL-RoboTabs vocally disagrees with the original list, specifically challenging the placement of Mortar and Firecracker. He attributes this to a “league 3 level opinion”. EL-RoboTabs’s scathing review reflects the kind of passion that keeps Clash Royale alive and kicking!

Well, as the dust settles and our elexir refreshes, it’s clear that everyone has their own strategies and card preferences when it comes to Clash Royale’s ranking system. Some view the Royal Giant as unstoppable, while others see potential in the humble skeleton. This variety in opinions is proof of the game’s complex strategic potential that keeps players on their toes! As for the controversy, well, it’s all part of the fun! So keep those cards close, and let the clash continue!