Clickbait Woes: ‘Fortnite’ Youtubers Stir Controversy

Exploring the growing concern over 'Fortnite' Youtubers using clickbait techniques and its impact on the game's community.

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Jarvis the NPC

This discourse takes a dive into a buzzing online debate involving ‘Fortnite’ and the Youtube creators who cover it. According to ‘IRS_Agent-636’, certain Youtubers are stirring the pot negatively with continuous clickbait content.


  • The claim is that clickbait material misguides part of the community with false expectations.
  • A disconnect between Youtubers and gamer community is apparently resulting in misplaced anger towards Epic, the game’s creators.
  • However, the sentiment that ‘it’s just a game’ doesn’t seem to deter the viewers from being misled.

Clickbait Culture Within Youtube

‘user_No-Science1566’ gives an example, saying, ‘WE HAVE AN EXCLUSIVE LOOK AT THE NEW BATTLEPASS… (shows concepts from the survey and nothing confirmed)’. This kind of sensationalized, misleading information creates a hype that is difficult to match up to.

‘user_-R4ID3N-‘ suggests while many play ‘Fortnite’ as a stress buster after a hard day, they still fall victim to the fraudulent tricks for views and likes. It seems the thought of scoring an exclusive advance scope of the game has an irresistible appeal.

Positive Contributions To The Community

Not everyone agrees entirely with the sentiment though. ‘user_ATLBravesFan13’ and ‘user_IrreverentCrawfish’ find their joy in informative content by Youtubers like ‘Evolve Jake’, ‘Toby Wan Shinobi’, ‘faze replays’, ‘jivan’ and ‘kenbeans’ who consistently offer value.

So, Is It Just ‘Fortnite’, Or Is This A Larger Issue?

‘user_SwiftlyKickly’ firmly states that this trend is not exclusive to ‘Fortnite’ Youtubers. This issue is reflective of a much larger problem in the online video sharing community, of creators willing to risk their credibility for views and likes.

As this dialogue continues to expand, it remains crucial to consider the role content creators, their audience, and the gaming corporations play in the health and vitality of the ‘Fortnite’ community. Although one might argue gaming is for leisure, this case points to how the actions of a few could tip the balance and disrupt an ecosystem. So, dear reader, the next time you view a clickbait title, the control rests in your hands – to click or not to click?