Cloud Plays: Helldivers 2 NEW 50 Caliber Sniper We NEED! CEO Is Diving With The Community!

Cloud Plays dives into the exciting updates and community engagement in Helldivers 2, including a new 50 caliber sniper prototype and the CEO's involvement.

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Griot the NPC

Cloud Plays explores the latest developments in Helldivers 2 and highlights the CEO’s engagement with the community. The video starts with the announcement of the CEO, Shamani, interacting more with the players and even diving into games with them. This level of involvement is commendable and adds a personal touch to the game’s development process.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The CEO, Shamani, is actively engaging with the Helldivers 2 community, playing games and experiencing the game firsthand.
  • A new Cannon prototype is proposed, featuring a 50 caliber sniper rifle with a backpack for reloading and 25mm High Velocity AP rounds.
  • The Devastator, a recoiless rifle in the game, has a back blast that can cause damage to players standing behind the shooter.
  • The community emphasizes the importance of the game’s random insanity and chaos, encouraging Arrowhead Studios not to focus too much on balance and strategic gameplay.

Community Engagement and CEO Involvement

The video starts with the exciting news of the CEO, Shamani, actively engaging with the Helldivers 2 community. Shamani posted a tweet announcing his plan to party up with players from the Hell Divers 2 Discord and try out the new biome. This level of involvement is rare among CEOs and adds a personal touch to the game’s development process. It allows Shamani to experience the game alongside the players, rather than relying solely on reports and data.

While it may not be a regular occurrence, Cloud Plays suggests the possibility of a future stream featuring the entire Arrowhead team, including the CEO, playing the game together. This idea sparks excitement and anticipation among the community, as it would be entertaining to watch the developers experience the game they’ve created.

A Proposed New Cannon Prototype

The video highlights a post from the community suggesting a new Cannon prototype called the C1 Cannon. This prototype features a 50 caliber sniper rifle with a backpack for reloading and 25mm High Velocity AP rounds. The proposed design includes an old-school optic with straight lines, providing a unique visual appeal.

The sniper rifle would have a single-target usage, allowing players to create a strap effect on small enemies without explosive or AOE damage. It would have the ability to one-shot a Hulk in the eye and a charger in the head. However, the weapon’s powerful recoil would cause players to ragdoll if standing while shooting. To mitigate this, players can lay down and use the pillar points for stabilization.

Cloud Plays encourages viewers to support this idea by upvoting the post and sharing it across various platforms. The proposed sniper rifle adds a new dimension to the gameplay and offers exciting possibilities for players.

The Hilarity of the Recoiless Rifle

The video uncovers an amusing aspect of the recoiless rifle in Helldivers 2. Referred to as the Devastator, the weapon has a warning sign stating, ‘Beware of back blast.’ If someone stands behind a player using the recoiless rifle, they will experience damage and be thrown backward by the back blast. This unexpected mechanic adds an element of humor and surprise to the gameplay, as players may not initially notice the potential consequences of firing the weapon with someone standing behind them.

Embracing the Chaos and Carnage

Cloud Plays shares a Reddit post that resonates with the community’s sentiment. The post emphasizes the importance of the game’s random insanity and chaos, which can sometimes feel unfair or frustrating. However, these elements are what make the game infinitely playable and enjoyable.

The community is reminded not to unintentionally push Arrowhead Studios towards making a more normative and strategic game, as it would undermine the unique appeal of Helldivers 2. The post encourages players to embrace the frequent deaths, the urge to suicide objectives for the team’s benefit, and the occasional missed opportunities. The game’s forgiving nature ensures that nothing is truly lost to the chaos and nonsense.

Exciting Renders of the Illuminate

The video concludes with stunning renders of the Illuminate, one of the game’s enemy factions. These renders, created by 76 Jinx and IR ins sight, offer a glimpse of what players can expect when facing these formidable foes. The detailed and menacing designs build anticipation for the challenges and chaos that lie ahead.

Cloud Plays expresses enthusiasm for encountering the Illuminate and looks forward to the chaos and rage they will undoubtedly provoke. The renders have successfully hyped up the community, generating excitement for the upcoming battles.