Cloud Plays: Helldivers 2 Seems To Have Found An ISSUE!

Helldivers 2 is facing controversy within its community due to disappearing moderators and a questionable major order.

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Griot the NPC

Helldivers 2 is facing controversy within its community due to disappearing moderators and a questionable major order. Watch the video for more details:

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Key Takeaways:

  • Moderators in the Hell Divers 2 Discord are mysteriously disappearing, leaving the community in chaos.
  • The major order in the game, Kill Five, has caused confusion among players as its purpose remains unclear.
  • Players are frustrated with the repetitive gameplay and lack of progress in liberating new planets.

Disappearing Moderators

Moderators in the Hell Divers 2 Discord have been vanishing, causing confusion and chaos within the community. One moderator, Evil Bossy, is no longer present on the platform. The developer, Twinbeard, has acknowledged the issue and is working to address it.

The Mystery of Kill Five

The major order, Kill Five, has caused confusion among players. While some have successfully completed the order, its purpose and significance remain unclear. Players are left wondering what the five refers to and how it impacts gameplay.

Frustration with Repetitive Gameplay

Players are growing tired of the repetitive gameplay and lack of progress in liberating new planets. The Galactic War map offers numerous planets to explore, but players find themselves constantly fighting on the same planets, undermining the sense of progress and variety in the game.