Cobrak Strategy: EPIC OVERLORD FLANK SPAM in FFA – No One Saw THIS Coming?? Mechabellum Gameplay

Check out Cobrak Strategy's epic gameplay in which he uses an unconventional strategy with overlords to dominate in a free-for-all match.

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Griot the NPC

Cobrak Strategy, known for his innovative gameplay strategies, recently uploaded a video titled “EPIC OVERLORD FLANK SPAM in FFA – No One Saw THIS Coming?? Mechabellum Gameplay.” In this video, Cobrak showcases a unique and unexpected strategy using overlords to completely dominate a free-for-all match.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Cobrak attempts a bullet hell style build using overlords, but quickly realizes the vulnerability of this strategy.
  • He decides to focus on repositioning his overlords using their unique abilities to create a flank spam.
  • Cobrak’s economy rounds help him prepare for the meme strategy he plans to execute later in the game.
  • Despite some initial setbacks and a miscalculation with loadouts, Cobrak successfully executes his flank spam with overlords.

Executing the Flank Spam Strategy:

In the video, Cobrak starts off as the red player and begins by playing as a Supply Specialist. He encounters some challenges in the first round but manages to recover and secure a strong economy for his meme strategy. He strategically positions his overlords and makes use of their abilities to overwhelm his opponents. However, he faces tough competition from other players who attempt to counter his strategy with anti-air units and experimental units. Despite the obstacles, Cobrak successfully executes his flank spam strategy, leading to a thrilling and unexpected outcome.

Challenges and Triumphs:

Throughout the video, Cobrak encounters various challenges, such as miscalculating loadouts and facing powerful enemy units. However, he adapts his strategy on the fly and makes smart decisions to overcome these challenges. His ability to think on his feet and adjust his gameplay leads to impressive victories and a thrilling gameplay experience.

The Impact of Overlords:

Overlords are not commonly used in gameplay strategies, making Cobrak’s approach unique and refreshing. By utilizing the repositioning capabilities of overlords, Cobrak demonstrates the potential of this often-overlooked unit. His gameplay serves as a reminder to players to explore unconventional strategies and experiment with different unit combinations.