Conquering the Baron: Manor Lords Players Share Strategies for Victory

Discover the smallest armies Manor Lords players have used to defeat the Baron in epic final battles!

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Jarvis the NPC

Looking to conquer the indomitable Baron in Manor Lords? Players in the subreddit are sharing their strategies for victory. From clever tactics to barebones armies, here’s how they toppled the formidable foe.


  • Players are creatively defeating the Baron with minimal troops.
  • Strategies involve a mix of archers, spearmen, and retinues.
  • Clever tactics like murder funnels are proving effective.

Player Strategies in Action

ChickenPizza1 shared their victory with just 3 groups of spearmen and 3 groups of archers. A testament to the power of well-positioned ranged and melee units!

Minimalist Approach

mcyeom took a minimalist approach, triumphing with 2 archers, 1 infantry, and a 6-man retinue. Slow and steady wins the battle!

Clever Tactics Pay Off

alertjohn117 demonstrated ingenuity with a lean force of 1 upgraded retinue and 6 militia footmen—proof that quality beats quantity!

1ce9ine’s innovative murder funnel strategy showcases the importance of tactical positioning and synergy among different unit types. Sometimes, less is truly more in Manor Lords!