Coooley: Unleashing the Power of the Brawler Barbarian in Diablo I

Discover the secrets of the powerful Brawler Barbarian build in Diablo I and dominate the game like never before.

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This video by Coooley titled “Now THIS is a Broken Barb…” showcases the incredible potential of the Brawler Barbarian build in Diablo I. The build takes the Barbarian class to new heights, rivaling even the top Terror Zone terrorizers in the game. Coooley reveals the strategies and mechanics behind this build, providing players with the ultimate guide to creating a Barbarian that can slaughter everything in sight, including other players.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Brawler Barb is a Savage character with three main attacks: double throw, whirlwind, and frenzy.
  • Understanding the mechanics of the build, such as attack speed and lowered defense, is crucial to its success.
  • Choosing the right weapons, such as War Strike and Lacerator, is essential for maximizing damage.
  • The build excels in PvE, allowing players to quickly level up and take down Elite bosses and monster packs.

The Power of Attack Speed and Lowered Defense

The Brawler Barb build relies on reaching high attack speed and utilizing lowered defense to maximize its effectiveness. By pairing 86% increased attack speed with a level 15 fanaticism Aura, players can achieve seven frames of attack, ensuring swift and deadly strikes. Additionally, the Act One mercenary’s skill, Inner Sight, is a game-changer, as it lowers the base defense of entire mobs, making it easier for attacks to connect.

Choosing the Perfect Weapons

War Strike and Lacerator are the go-to weapons for the Brawler Barb build. War Strike should be equipped on the main hand, while Lacerator is paired with a harpoon. This combination extends the range of Lacerator and adds other mechanics, such as deadly strike and pierce, to the build. Additionally, having 40 cast on the main setup, achieved through specific gear choices, eliminates the need to swap weapons for teleportation or pre-buffing.

A Deadly PvP Threat

The Brawler Barb build can also hold its own in PvP encounters. With slight adjustments, such as using Widowmaker for poison damage and open wounds, the Barbarian becomes a formidable opponent. While the build may struggle against max block builds, it offers a wider range of strategies and allows players to address various opponents.

The Brawler Barbarian build in Diablo I is a game-changer, providing players with an incredibly powerful and versatile character. By understanding the mechanics, choosing the right weapons, and mastering PvP techniques, players can dominate the game like never before. So, gear up and unleash the power of the Brawler Barb!