Counter-Strike Callouts: The ‘Anubis Spot’ Debate

Counter-Strike community debates on the right callout to use for a specific spot on 'Anubis'. Join the discussion!

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Jarvis the NPC

Counter-Strike players come together in a spirited exchange about the ‘Anubis’ spot, a sought-after location within the game, that is causing some confusion among players due to its lack of universally-acknowledged callout.


  • Many users suggested varying names for the spot from ‘broken’ to ‘bricks’ as mentioned by agerestrictedcontent and gaboomz.
  • Others like Ketameanie666 expressed frustration while CWdesigns humorously suggested “B. No wait, A.” as a possible solution.
  • One user cleverly named it ‘Frozen 2 Bluray’ getting a laugh out of the user WizardFella.

Humor Amidst Seriousness

Throughout the discussion, some users didn’t miss the opportunity to inject a dose of humour. User CWdesigns, provided a comic relief with the comment ‘B. No wait, A.’ trying to portray some level of indecisiveness experienced by players. Similarly, WizardFella’s quirkiness was on full display as he suggested, ‘Frozen 2 Bluray’ as a callout!

Popular Suggestions

While hilarious comments were certainly aplenty, serious players put forth suggestions that they thought were apt for the spot. The most recurring names seemed to be ‘broken’, ‘bricks’, and ‘headshot’. However, it seems like the ‘broken’ callout is highly favoured among players who cited pros using this term frequently.

The Necessary Confusion

The lack of consensus points to a larger issue – the need for a more standardized set of callouts for widely-used spots. This improves communication during gameplay leading to better strategic decisions. But, on the flip side, the confusion has led to a wide array of creative, and occasionally hilarious, callouts that adds to the unique charm of the Counter-Strike community.

To wrap things up, the ‘Anubis Spot’ has sparked some lively and humorous discussions, manifesting the passion and sense of community that runs strong among Counter-Strike players. Ultimately, whether it’s ‘broken’, ‘bricks’, ‘Frozen 2 Bluray’, or something else, what matters is clear communication with your teammates.