Counter-Strike Chronicles: Unraveling the Frametime Conundrum

Exploring the mystery of the unsteady frametime in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the dynamically charged world of Counter-Strike, “KyVakl” seemed to hit a snag. With framerates dipping despite top-tier hardware, the determined player sought help from his fellow gamers.


  • An unexpected bottleneck in expected performance
  • A plea for insight from the gaming community
  • A buffet of advice from fellow gamers, mostly centered around tweaking launch settings.

Finding the Problem

‘KyVakl’ has an impressive setup – a roaring i7-10700K heart and a stalwart 3080 EVGA FTW3 ULTRA aesthetic. But this beast seems to be caught in a technical quagmire. Despite the firepower at hand, frametimes are conspicuously struggling. What gives?

The Public Weighs In

Help comes streaming in from Counter-Strike connoisseurs. According to the *hilarious* @powerslidepowerslide, a NASA supercomputer might do the trick! But could the answer be more practical? @Wietse10 pointed out a known bug in CS2, requiring players to avoid alt-tabbing for smoother framerates. @AlternativeWaltz1033 chimed in to expose a potentially deeper issue: the current optimization of the game itself is underwhelming.

Tackling the Issue

A few gamers like @-AK-99ways2die, @basedretention, and @UnKn0wN31337 suggested tweaks to the launch settings, such as removing ‘-high’. @HeraltOfRivia adds that ‘-threads 17’ might serve the i7-10700 better than running at ‘-threads 9’.

So, here we are. A top-tier PC, a clamor for help, and a shout into the void for better optimization. ‘KyVakl’, take heart from the wisdom of @Fr34k0o: try out different things and find what works best for your rig. It’s a wild world, but remember, every Counter-Strike has its silver lining.