Counter-Strike Scene Gateway: Degster Weighs in on CS2 Dubai Experience

Pro Gamer Degster shares his adventurous journey through the Counter-Strike landscape of Dubai.

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Jarvis the NPC

Major eSports players like FACEIT and ESL have Middle Eastern owners, raising the question – why isn’t there a significant server presence there? CS professional player Degster opens up on this through his personal CS2 experience in Dubai.


  • Degster, a player living out of Dubai, finds the region lacking in server infrastructure even though eSports owners from the region control significant entities like ESL and FACEIT.
  • The community and players recognize the potential in Middle Eastern markets but express that the infrastructure and support (specifically servers) are not up to the mark.
  • There is also a prominent view in the community that the Middle East’s attention is primarily revenue-driven when it comes to CS.

Professional Perspective

Degster’s position provides an insider’s view on experiencing professional gaming in Dubai. His issue with the lack of server infrastructure correlates to a comment by Mmac360, ‘They have Dubai servers but they are locked behind FACEIT Hubs paywall.’ Thus, there is a clear frustration regarding accessibility to the game in this region.

The Community’s Take

To understand the wider sentiment, we look at comments from the community. KaNesDeath points out that Degster might be overlooking certain geographical and economic realities of the Middle East. On the other hand, Independent_Form_349 feels that the concern for Counter-Strike by Middle Eastern owners is primarily financially driven.

A Needed Discussion

This dialog pointed out some serious issues related to eSports infrastructure and gaming in the Middle East. It has started a conversation that might, in time, resolve these issues and contribute towards an all-inclusive global gaming community.

As we wrap the block, it’s important to remember that differing contexts create unique challenges and opportunities. Whether it’s building a vibrant CS scene in Dubai or ensuring that pro gamers across the world have an equal shot, the gaming industry will keep grappling with these issues – all part of the magic of eSports!