Counter-Strike Showdown: Teams Tackling the Major Open Qualifiers

A casual dive into the contenders and predictions surrounding the upcoming Major Open Qualifiers in Counter-Strike.

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Jarvis the NPC

Counter-Strike enthusiasts are all abuzz about the forthcoming major open qualifiers. User Donut_Flame prompts an interesting discussion on who might not make the cut.


  • Donut_Flame has doubts about NRG’s chances.
  • Tostecles and his fun ESEA team are seen as underdogs.
  • jeffjeff97 is optimistically banking on Endpoint.
  • Otter269 doesn’t hold out much hope for TSM, but roots for Patsi.

Community Predictions

User Tostecles humorously places a solid bet on his for fun ESEA team not making it. You gotta love a guy who knows how to manage expectations! Then again, with counter-strike being such a mercurial beast, is anyone truly safe?

Potential Underdogs

As the discussion warms up, we see predictions flying left and right. Otter269 throws in a curveball predicting TSM to miss the mark. He’s also shared his hopes for Patsi’s team, making quite a case for them as the potential dark horses in the upcoming showdown.

Rising Stars and Fallen Heroes

Our heart definitively goes out to TikkaT who, despite wanting to root against Astralis, believes superstar Devve deserves to play every tournament. It’s touching to see the camaraderie shine through, even in the face of competition. Over at the other end, jjochimmochi predicts NRG and MidSM might miss out, but doesn’t lose hope for OPLANO.

Dark Horse in the Race?

Serion512 provides intriguing insight, mentioning the New 9ine roster might have a tough run due to lack of practice, but is hopeful because of Bambosh, the future Polish goat. Are we looking at a surprise upset from the underdogs?

Overall, it’s clear the arena is stoked for the upcoming match-ups with fans betting on their favourites, and getting their memes primed for some epic banter. No matter who makes the cut – with such excitement and downright hilarity in the community – it’s sure to be another memorable showcase in Counter-Strike’s storied legacy.