Counter-Strike’s Battle Royale: Twitch Streams and FACEIT’s Dominance

Exploring the reasons behind FACEIT's popularity and Premier's decline in the world of Counter-Strike.

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Jarvis the NPC

It’s a rapidly evolving world in the realm of Counter-Strike, with a keen eye recently drawn towards the analysis of top CS2 streams on Twitch. Insights uncovered revealed a striking trend – a hefty 75% of streams were engaging with FACEIT, with an undeniable 100% of pros setting their sights on this platform. This raised an intriguing question – what led to Premier’s shortcoming, especially at the top?


  • The prevalence of unfair play, specifically cheaters, greatly impacts Premier’s reputation within the gaming community.
  • The inadequacy of Premier’s anti-cheat system is highlighted as a crucial factor to the functioning of competitive ladder systems.
  • FACEIT is applauded for its “local random team” system, enabling players of similar regions to team up thereby creating a more consistent gaming experience.
  • Many players voiced concerns about Premier’s matchmaking system, suggesting a large Elo disparity and lack of logic in team formation.

The Cheater Checkmate

Cheating – not just a sorrowful sore in the world of gaming, but a dastardly disease eroding the foundations of fairness. This issue prevails across platforms, with a significant emphasis in discussions around Premier. As TThundeRR candidly puts, “Every 3-5 games there’s a spinbotter. The top of leaderboards have so many cheaters it’s not worth it to even play it”.

The Importance Of Anti-Cheat

With the shadow of cheats looming large, the effectiveness of an anti-cheat system is as crucial as ever. Gockel gives voice to the sentiment of the crowd, suggesting that Premier’s decline could be traced to its failure in creating a robust anti-cheat system: “Because of the one thing literally everyone here (and anywhere else) knew what would be the crucial factor to a working competitive ladder system: The anti-cheat.”

In Favor Of FACEIT

While Premier may reel under the weight of its weaknesses, FACEIT strides forth with notable strengths. Its recent introduction of a “local random team” system was highlighted by SweHun as a significant advantage, stating that it “really improved the quality of FACEIT matches”.

Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me An Even Match

Everyone appreciates a good match, especially when the stakes are high, and Premier seemingly doesn’t hold its own. Parhelion2261 offers a critical perspective on this, highlighting frustrating experiences with Premier’s matchmaking system that verges on comedic: “And CS2 seems to think it’s a real funny guy…”

Through the analysis of the posts and comments, Community sentiment distinctly leans towards a negative view of Premier, mainly due to issues related to cheaters, the anti-cheat system, and suboptimal matchmaking. On the other hand, FACEIT emerges as a preferred platform, with its innovative systems ensuring player satisfaction and an engaging gaming environment. As the online CS2 landscape continues to shift and change, one can only wait to see how these platforms will evolve to meet the expectations and needs of their players.