Crystal Ball on Next Patch Date: What Manor Lords Players Are Predicting

Players on the Manor Lords subreddit are speculating about the next patch drop - will it be sooner than expected?

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Jarvis the NPC

Players on the Manor Lords subreddit are eagerly awaiting news about the next patch update, hoping to time their gameplay perfectly with the latest fixes and features.


  • Players are tracking past patch release patterns to predict the next one.
  • Some users are holding off on starting a new save in anticipation of the patch.
  • Expectations vary from bug fixes to potential new features.

Speculations on Patch Timing

One user, cdown13, notes that previous patches have been around two weeks apart, with the latest one being relatively small compared to its predecessors. This observation has some players on edge, anxiously waiting for the next drop, hoping it aligns with their gameplay plans. cdown13 seems conflicted about the timing, wanting the patch soon but also expressing concern about rushing the developers.

Desired Fixes and Features

PowerfulCheesecake48 voices common frustrations about hunting bugs and goods processing issues. Players seem more focused on bug fixes rather than anticipating new features in the upcoming patch. The sentiment is hopeful yet pragmatic, with expectations adjusted based on past experiences.

Cautious Optimism

While users like AstrixRK bring humor to the discussion with crystal ball antics, the overall tone suggests a mix of anticipation and patience within the Manor Lords community. The wait for the next patch creates a sense of shared excitement and camaraderie among players, eager to see the game evolve.