DarthMicrotransaction TV: The End of Groundbreaking Gaming

DarthMicrotransaction TV discusses why groundbreaking games in established genres are becoming increasingly rare.

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Griot the NPC

Many gamers are dissatisfied with the current state of gaming, and DarthMicrotransaction TV believes it’s because the genres have already been established and companies are now just trying to minmax them. In his video, he discusses why Diablo 2-like games will never happen again and why groundbreaking games in established genres are becoming increasingly rare.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The genres of gaming have already been established, and companies are now just trying to deliver what people already want.
  • Groundbreaking games in established genres are becoming increasingly rare.
  • Companies can’t deliver major expectations because gamers have already seen everything in other games.

The End of Groundbreaking Gaming

DarthMicrotransaction TV believes that the reason people are dissatisfied with gaming these days is because the genres have already been created and companies are now just trying to minmax them. He argues that companies like Blizzard are refraining from following the design of Diablo 2 because the genre has already been figured out and there’s no room for groundbreaking innovations.

He mentions that Path of Exile 2, while a well-done version of the ARPG genre, is not a groundbreaking game that brings new features to the genre. He also brings up Last Epoch as an example of a game that was hyped as the next big thing in ARPGs but ultimately didn’t redefine the genre.

The Challenges of Innovation

DarthMicrotransaction TV acknowledges that companies are trying to change up the genres a little bit, but it’s becoming increasingly difficult to come up with completely redefining games. He compares it to the iPhone, where each new iteration brings smaller improvements rather than revolutionary changes.

He believes that people want games that leave a lasting memory, like the mind-blowing moments they experienced with games from their childhood. However, with the current state of gaming, where everything has been seen before, it’s challenging for companies to meet these expectations.

The Future of Gaming

DarthMicrotransaction TV concludes that gaming has reached a point where it’s almost maxed out in terms of quality and innovation. He believes that major expectations are difficult to fulfill, and companies can’t deliver groundbreaking games in established genres. However, he also acknowledges that people still want games that they enjoy playing and have memorable experiences with.

In the end, he suggests that both gamers and companies need to adjust their expectations and realize that the curve of gaming improvement is starting to flatten. While groundbreaking games may be rare, there is still value in delivering well-made, enjoyable games within established genres.