Deadly Rankings: The Darker Side of Brawl Stars Brawlers Unleashed!

Discover a fun, tongue-in-cheek discussion about the killing potential of your favorite Brawl Stars characters!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the vibrant and exciting world of Brawl Stars, players have a wealth of characters to choose from, each bringing to the battlefield unique skills and abilities. As delightful as these cool and colorful Brawlers are, unraveled a light-hearted, harebrained scenario: What if we took a detour into the macabre and examined how likely these Brawlers are to, well… commit a homicide?


  • Brawl Stars’ characters have a hidden dark side.
  • The text-less post ignited the imagination of commenters.
  • This discussion revealed some surprising opinions about the killing potential of these avatars.

Who’s Guilty?

Let’s delve into this playful, hypothetical scenario with ‘lmJustARandom’s’ list. The gaming community brewed a lively debate, unearthing theories about the characters’ lethal proficiency.

Bananoob09 humorously declared, ‘Imagine being killed by an Ice cream vending machine.’ while some participants were keen to absolve themselves of any in-game crimes, like user the_R-T who earnestly defended, ‘As R-T, I will say that I never killed someone on purpose.’

Heat of Battle

This comical discussion took a delightfully witty turn as users argued about their characters’ deadly abilities. Diehard_Sam_Main smartly pointed out, ‘“Kill” and “deactivate” are two very different terms!’ LightLaitBrawl thought Spike should top the list while Masterdizzio argued that Nita might have murderous intents.

Users had their individual favorites for the ‘Killer Brawler.’ For instance, SuperJman1111 contended that Frank’s repeated in-game killings of Mortis bolster his claim to the infamous title.

Diabolical Intentions

There were some who dove deeper into the characters’ backstory and intentions. For instance, Negative_Magician_44 turned the thread on its head with a tongue-in-cheek comment, ‘Ok let me just commit murder real quick in order to get higher in the list.’

Then came the corkers! Happy_Ron offered a psychological analysis on Spike’s condition, branding him a potential ‘actual psychopath,’ while Key-Meringue5433 justified Hank’s ‘killing job’ as him being a soldier. Colette_haha humorously questioned how a book could be deemed murderous!

Well, that wraps up our enthralling rollercoaster ride through this bizarre Brawl Stars hypothetical. Yes, it’s all in good fun, but you can’t deny, these imaginative players bring the game’s charm to a whole new quirkily comedic level. Makes you think twice about ‘harmless’ gaming characters, doesn’t it? Of course, none of us would dare cross paths with an ice cream vending machine in a dark alley, would we?