Dealing with BM in Tekken: The Magic Mirror Solution

How can you avoid bad manners in Tekken? Check out how the Magic Mirror can help!

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken players discuss dealing with opponents’ BM’ing in the game. Some find the Magic Mirror solution helpful, while others have humorous approaches.


  • Using the Magic Mirror to combat BM
  • Humorous ways to deal with rude opponents
  • Mixed reactions to the effectiveness of the solution

Magic Mirror Solution

Players shared tips on using the Magic Mirror to avoid BM, appreciating the feature’s effectiveness.

Humorous Responses

Some players responded with humor, suggesting quirky ways to handle BM situations in Tekken.

Varied Reactions

Opinions on the Magic Mirror’s effectiveness were mixed, with some finding it a game-changer while others remained skeptical.

Tekken players navigate the world of BM with varying degrees of success, highlighting the importance of finding strategies that work for each player’s unique experience.