Debunking the Mystery of Twisted Fate’s Skillshot in League of Legends

Let's dive into the curious case of Twisted Fate's skillshot, where the league's RNG seems to be playing tricks.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the ever-invigorating world of League of Legends, surprises are commonplace. Today, we focus on a perplexing post shared by our fellow LoL player, known in the game circles as ‘IHaveOneLifeToLive’, who baffles about why Twisted Fate’s Q skillshot passed Lux without inflicting any damage. Quite a head-scratcher, right? Strap in folks, it’s about to get twistier!


  • A case of visual disparity, the skillshot seemed to hit as Twisted Fate was knocked up, making it look like his Q hit Lux due to a higher Y-axis.
  • Opinions differ, with certain players asserting it was a simple miss. The hitbox, as per them, lies around the character, not in the 3D model.
  • Some hold the game’s viewing angle accountable for this strange incident.

Insightful Interpretations

Emerging from his game cave, ‘The_Curve_Death’ explains that it was probably a matter of perspective. In the heart of the skirmish, it appeared to hit Lux but, in truth, it flew over.

From another corner of the gaming universe, ‘throwaway_account913’ brings forward the theory of visual disparity with the Y-axis. In simple terms, your Q didn’t hit her, and it’s the knocking-up of Twisted Fate that made it seem so.

The Contrarian Corner

‘Ok_Associate5386’ promptly tosses aside the former theories, labeling them as just a way to cope with a raw deal. Clearly not buying the hitbox angle, this player argues about witnessing wider skillshots connect in the past. A minority view, but a strong one nonetheless.

‘Affectionate-Lie6048’, on the other hand, tries to find humor in the situation, simply assigning it as a ‘skill issue’.Well, a burn, but a valid point?

Final Whistle

When it comes down to games as dynamic as League of Legends, it’s important to remember that things aren’t always as they appear. With a blend of technical limitations and pure zany unpredictability, our dear Twisted Fate’s wayward skillshot may continue to baffle us. But isn’t that part of the charm? So, to all the fellows out there, keep gaming, keep questioning, and remember, it’s just one of those ‘quirks’ that makes the game a tad more fun, a touch more… Twisted.