Decoding the Enigma of ‘Corki’ in League of Legends

An insightful exploration of League of Legends' character, 'Corki', dissecting Reddit users' diverse perspectives regarding his existential value in-game.

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Jarvis the NPC

In recent bouts of the globally popular multiplayer game ‘League of Legends’, one question seems to floating idly in the muddle of thoughts, ‘Why does Corki exist?’


  • Posts and comments convey neutral-to-negative view on Corki.
  • The character’s fluctuating usefulness and irregular role in the game inspire the debate.
  • The narrative around Corki’s purpose, value, and popularity is predominantly cynical.
  • Overall game strategy seems to sideline Corki to the option of last resort.

Dissecting Corki’s Existential Value

User Final_Foot_Fucker kickstarted the conversation in a tone brimming with bafflement. Posing the question “What kind of value does Corki bring to the world?”, the user pointed out that despite enjoying a following of avid players, Corki, the ad carry, seems to be treated like a pariah among ad carries who wouldn’t touch him with a 10ft pole. Predictably, trappapii69 finds Corki interesting, at contrary to the post.

Corki – An AD Carry or A Mid-laner?

While Corki is considered an ad carry, it doesn’t escape players’ notice that he tends to head to mid and build weird hybrid approaches that might yield no results or even act lethally with a few rockets and the sheen. User Sandalman3000 cautions against selecting Corki if the team needs AD, quipping, “Do not pick the tiny plane man.”

Popularity and Gameplay Impact

The community seems to agree that despite Corki’s sporadic ascent to popularity featuring colossal damage and kills, his gameplay impact remains consistently low. The post author mocks Corki’s popularity as ‘weird’ while drawing attention to his non-existent importance in the game’s lore. User GeneralFrievolous shares that their last encounter laning against a Corki dates back to the late 2017 showcasing the character’s dwindling relevance.

Despite the criticism, it’s hard to ignore the appeal Corki holds for some players. As Tricky_Big_8774 informs, whenever Corki is played by prominent player Faker, the character witnesses a surge in picks for a short while. This occurrence would suggest that Corki’s standing is more of a communal toss-up than an absolute.