Decoding the Enigma: The Call of Duty ‘How is This Possible?’ Game Quirk

Dive into the intrigued world of Call of Duty gamers disentangling a perplexing in-game event.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the relentless and fervently competitive universe of Call of Duty, witnessing unusual events that leave players scratching their heads isn’t a rarity. A recent post by Kurotas asks simply: ‘How?’


  • The post engenders a range of responses, from the surprised to the humorous.
  • Members suggest two key theories: it may be desynchronization or a game glitch.
  • Despite the confusion, the general sentiment remains positive and engaging.

Surprise and Humor

Delving into the thread, it’s clear that gamers love a good mystery. daymarEngel shares, ‘Wauw. Since playing cod1 I’ve never seen this before xD. Nice.’ His palpable surprise is juxtaposed with the respectful acknowledgement that curveballs are part and parcel of the gaming experience.

Adding a sprinkle of humor into the mix, AnonyMouse3925 states, ‘RIP 24 seconds you will be missed.’ The comment fluently expresses wry amusement at the bewildering T-24 second situation.

Possible Explanations

Random_Guy191919 suggests, ‘Probably desync or something like that.’ His speculation gives players something concrete to ponder whilst navigating this enigma.

Uniting gamers in agreement, MysteriousState2192 theorizes, ‘The game just glitched and showed the players perspective instead of showing the actual kill.’ His detailed theory plants the seed that technical hitches may be at the base of the mystery.

Music to one’s ears?

Interestingly, the thread descends into a debate on the audio accompaniment to the video. SpaghettiPolicy21413 inquires, ‘What’s this beat / song called? Shits hard.’, seemingly enjoying the tune. However, suspentacctxxvi diverges, exclaiming, ‘Trash ass music had to mute.’ The divergent music tastes add an unexpected twist to the compelling game predicament.

So, there you have it. An apparently unanswerable question has spawned a multitude of conjectures, laughter, and even a debate on music tastes! Despite the puzzling situation, players demonstrate camaraderie and humor, traits that enrich the player community beyond the confines of game mechanics. Now, aren’t we all itching to dive back into the Call of Duty universe to uncover more enigmas?