Decoding the Mystery of the Clash Royale Queen: A Reddit Engagement Analysis

In the Clash Royale subreddit, players puzzle over the unexpected behavior of the queen. What makes her tick?

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale never ceases to surprise us, does it? In an intriguing engagement, a player going by the handle danengorf was left befuddled by the mysterious mechanic involving the queen. The succinctly asked, ‘Can someone please explain to me what just happened with the queen? Like how?’ sparked a flurry of explanatory responses.


  • Fellow players illuminate the player saying the unique Monk hability is at work.
  • The Royal Giant (RG) and the Monk have a specific interaction that somewhat explains the queen’s behavior.
  • The nuanced Monk interaction illuminates how the queen and other units get affected within the Monk’s reflective range.

Monk Hability Explained

Stepping into the discussion, a player, dubbed as Appropriate-Gur-6553, tersely enlightened the novice with an assertion: ‘Monk hability’

Royal Giant and Monk Interactions

Building upon this groundwork, EliSkelly_CR attempted to further clarify the interaction between the Monk and the RG: ‘Rg was close to the Monk, so it reflected. The same thing happens with the RG. If the Monk is in the way of its projectile, it will reflect it.’

New Monk Interaction

Meanwhile, lululolgg devised a catchy phrase ‘New monk interaction just dropped’ implying the Monk’s abilities are ever-evolving, or perhaps, yet to be fully comprehended.

Monk’s Reflective Range

Diving deeper into the rabbit hole of Monk’s power, Bulky-Rush-1392 shed light on the Monk’s range: ‘Monks ability has a range, so Archer queen wasn’t targeting him but was shooting within his reflective range.’ This suggestion brings us refreshing insight on how the Monk’s ‘range’ can influence the behaviour of other units, including the elusive queen.

Well, that’s it for today, folks! A royal shout-out to our intrepid Clashers who keep exploring the boundaries of the game and come up with astonishing findings. Until next time, keep clashing and keep wondering!