Deep Rock Galactic: Community’s Opinion on Deep Scan Mission

The Deep Rock Galactic subreddit buzzes with excitement over the Deep Scan mission. Discover why players are split between loving and finding it repetitive.

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic players on the subreddit are abuzz over the Deep Scan mission, with opinions ranging from exhilaration to monotony.


  • Players enjoy the unique gameplay of Deep Scan, encouraging exploration.
  • Some find the elevator fight a bit too confined, longing for more strategic options.
  • There are suggestions to enhance immersion by making the radar scanner a physical object for players.
  • Overall, the mission is praised for its thematic elements but criticized for potential repetitiveness.

Enthusiastic Explorers

SkaterSnail appreciates the mission’s reward for exploration and its refreshing change of pace. Despite enjoying it, they suggest tweaks to enhance the gameplay experience further, such as a more dynamic elevator fight.

Mixed Feelings

Coolives admits the scanning part isn’t their favorite but highlights the intensity of the swarm encounter during drilling. They anticipate difficulties on higher hazard levels.

Repetitive Repetitions

Somebody4500 humorously recounts a misstep due to misinterpreting the scanner’s information initially, leading to unintentional hilarity. TheRockBaker proposes adding a boss encounter for a more memorable climax to the mission.

The Deep Scan mission in Deep Rock Galactic has clearly sparked a range of emotions within the player community, with some lauding its innovative gameplay mechanics while others express concerns regarding potential monotony. The subreddit serves as a platform for players to voice their opinions and suggestions, showcasing the diverse perspectives within the game’s dedicated fanbase. Whether players seek thrilling exploration or crave additional challenges to spice up the mission, Deep Rock Galactic continues to captivate and engage its audience with each new update.