Deep Rock Galactic: Diamond Blue vs. Red Promotion – Gamers Debate!

Gamers express mixed feelings about the Diamond Blue promotion versus the red one. Find out the community's take!

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic community discusses the coolness of Diamond Blue promotion versus the red one and their preferences.


  • Blue vs. Red – The color debate continues.
  • Legendary Upgrade – Some players prefer the new Legendary promotion.
  • Personal Taste – Color preferences vary among players.

Diamond Blue or Red?

Opinions on the Diamond Blue and Red promotions in Deep Rock Galactic vary among players. Some prefer the cool tone of blue, while others lean towards the warmth of red. The choice seems to come down to personal taste, with color psychology playing a role in players’ preferences. The debate rages on, sparking lively discussions within the community as gamers defend their color choices with passion.

The Legendary Upgrade

While the Diamond Blue promotion may have its fans, some players have shifted their allegiance to the new Legendary upgrade. As one user humorously pointed out, once they attained the Legendary status, the appeal of the Diamond Blue seemed to diminish. This shift in perception highlights how in-game achievements and rewards can influence players’ perceptions and preferences.

Color Preferences and Customization

Players not only debate the merits of Diamond Blue versus Red but also express desires for more customization options. Some wish for the ability to choose their promotion borders after reaching full promotion status, emphasizing the importance of player agency and personalization in Deep Rock Galactic. The discussion extends to modding possibilities, with players considering alternative options to tailor their in-game experience to their preferences.