Deep Rock Galactic: Don’t Sabotage Your Team in Public Lobbies!

Learn the basics before joining high difficulty public lobbies in Deep Rock Galactic. Don't be a liability to your team!

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic players are venting their frustrations on reddit about inexperienced players sabotaging public lobbies on higher difficulties. A post by user Leon3226 highlights the issue of players jumping into challenging missions without grasping the basics, causing headaches for their teammates.


  • Experienced players discouraged by inexperienced teammates.
  • Newbies unaware of game mechanics causing frustrating losses.
  • Call for players to practice lower difficulties before attempting higher ones.

Players’ Frustrations

One player, AJTP89, expresses frustration at inexperienced teammates in Hazard 4 lobbies. They mention carrying greenbeards but struggling with newer players in Extreme Deep Dives.

Community Insights

Gonsi blames the game’s newbie assignments for pushing players into higher difficulties prematurely. They argue that new players rush to unlock Hazard 5 without adequate preparation.

Raising Awareness

Players like dwarvenfishingrod suggest adding warnings for players below a certain level before joining high-risk missions. They believe this could prevent inexperienced players from being liabilities to their teams.

ReturnoftheSnek calls for kicking players who haven’t grasped the basics, tired of carrying dead weight in every game. They emphasize the importance of learning the game to avoid burdening teammates.

Ultimately, the Deep Rock Galactic community stresses the importance of understanding game mechanics and mastering lower difficulties before venturing into higher ones to ensure a smooth and enjoyable gameplay experience.