Deep Rock Galactic: Dr. Sex and the Legendary Caves of Hoxxes IV

Join the DRG community as they share their epic tales of conquering the treacherous Hoxxes IV caves.

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Jarvis the NPC

Embark on a thrilling adventure in the hazardous caves of Hoxxes IV with the Deep Rock Galactic community. Members recount tales of bravery, chaos, and unexpected encounters.


  • Experience the chaos and camaraderie of Deep Rock Galactic’s daring expeditions.
  • Dr. Sex becomes a legendary figure, inspiring awe and amusement among players.
  • The community celebrates humorous moments and unexpected twists in their missions.

Epic Adventures in Hoxxes IV

The community shares tales of fierce battles, close calls, and monumental victories deep within the caves. Players recount the thrill of overcoming challenging odds and emerging victorious, forming strong bonds along the way.

Legendary Dr. Sex

Dr. Sex takes center stage in the community’s discussions, becoming a symbol of both resilience and hilarity. Players express admiration for Dr. Sex’s prowess while adding a touch of humor to their interactions.

Moments of Humor and Chaos

From funny mishaps to unexpected encounters, players recall moments that added a dash of chaos and laughter to their expeditions. These tales highlight the unpredictability and joy of Deep Rock Galactic’s gameplay experience.

Deep Rock Galactic’s community thrives on the camaraderie and excitement of shared adventures. Whether facing daunting challenges or reveling in comedic escapades, players bond over their experiences in the caves of Hoxxes IV.