Deep Rock Galactic: Gunner or Scout – Which is Better for Your Team?

In Deep Rock Galactic, the debate rages on: Gunner or Scout? Dive into the discussion with Greenbeard and experienced miners to uncover the best pick for your team!

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Jarvis the NPC

In Deep Rock Galactic, the discussion around whether to choose Gunner or Scout for a team composition continues to spark debate among miners. One Greenbeard, Mlkxiu, seeks advice on the optimal class choice when playing in a 3-person team, weighing the pros and cons of each role.


  • The choice between Gunner and Scout often depends on the mission type, with Scouts excelling in mobility and exploration while Gunners provide crucial crowd control and firepower.
  • Each class has its strengths, with Gunners offering team protection through shields and high combat efficiency, while Scouts support with lighting, high-value target elimination, and resource collection.
  • Ultimately, player preference, mission requirements, and team coordination play a significant role in determining the ideal class for a successful mining expedition in Deep Rock Galactic.

AJTP89’s Take on Mission Types

According to AJTP89, the choice between Gunner and Scout hinges on the mission type. Some missions demand the mobility of a Scout, while others require the crowd control provided by a Gunner. On lower hazard levels, the need for a gunner decreases due to smaller swarms.

Chair_Bandit’s Insights on Role Specificity

Chair_Bandit emphasizes the mission-specific advantages of each class. A Scout’s speed and flare utility shine in mining expeditions, egg hunts, and point extractions, while a Gunner’s shield and firepower excel in salvage operations, escort duties, and combat-heavy scenarios.

GlyphussyBestPussy on Scout’s Support Role

GlyphussyBestPussy highlights the crucial role of Scouts in swiftly dealing with high-value targets and enhancing mission efficiency through mobility. The Scout’s ability to eliminate key threats contributes significantly to the team’s success.

Blackmobius’ Analysis of Hazard Levels

Blackmobius breaks down class viability based on hazard levels in Deep Rock Galactic. While Scouts are effective in lower hazards, Gunners offer versatility and combat prowess in hazardous missions, requiring strategic coordination among team members.