Deep Rock Galactic Haz5+ Woes: Greenbeards Beware

Facing Haz5+ in Deep Rock Galactic? Greenbeards, Beware! Stay cautious in hazardous missions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic players discuss the challenges of greenbeards joining Haz5+ missions.


  • Greenbeards struggling in Haz5+, causing frustration among experienced players.
  • Newbies unaware of the mission difficulty, jumping into high hazard levels.
  • Veterans find joy in teaching, but agree Haz5+ may be too much for inexperienced players.

Greenbeards’ Confidence vs. Reality

Some greenbeards exhibit overconfidence, joining Haz5+ missions unprepared, leading to challenging situations for the team.

Haz5+ is for the Experienced

Veteran players emphasize the need for extensive knowledge and skill in Haz5+, warning against green or long beards attempting this difficulty level.

Understanding Haz5+ Difficulty

Experiencing the intense challenges of Haz5+ with high-level enemies and modifiers highlights the unforgiving nature of this hazardous level.

Greenbeards, eager to participate, might find themselves overwhelmed and unprepared for the rigors of Haz5+. Veteran players take note of the situation, with mixed feelings of understanding and frustration towards the inexperienced players.

As the discussion threads through the comments, a sense of camaraderie and concern emerges among the Deep Rock Galactic community. While the experienced players acknowledge the bravery and curiosity of greenbeards, they also stress the importance of being adequately equipped and informed before tackling Haz5+ missions to ensure an enjoyable and successful gaming experience for all involved.