Deep Rock Galactic: Is the Drillevator too Easy?

Players debate the lack of challenge in the Drillevator section, pondering if it's a well-deserved breather or a missed opportunity for added difficulty.

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic players are split on the challenge level of the Drillevator section, with some finding it a breeze while others crave more difficulty. The community is curious about the intended design and the varying experiences among players.


  • Players question the ease of the Drillevator segment and its balance with other mission challenges.
  • Opinions range from it being too easy and boring to enjoyable and a fun change of pace.
  • Suggestions include adding more threats and interactive elements to increase the engagement level.

Challenges in the Drillevator

Some players express dissatisfaction with the lack of challenge in the Drillevator section, feeling that it undermines the overall difficulty of the mission. They mention that with a competent team, the enemies pose minimal threat, leading to a lack of intensity in gameplay.

Varying Experiences

Individual experiences differ based on team composition and coordination. While some find the Drillevator too easy with four cooperative dwarves, others struggle when the team is not working in sync. The disparity in player encounters with the section raises questions about its design intent and difficulty scaling.

Desire for Enhanced Difficulty

Players who seek a greater challenge propose ideas to make the Drillevator segment more engaging. Suggestions include introducing additional obstacles, such as cave pockets with stationary enemies, to create strategic decision-making moments and elevate the stakes in the mission.

The discussion around the Drillevator in Deep Rock Galactic reflects the community’s diverse perspectives on game difficulty and the balance between enjoyable gameplay and challenging experiences. As players continue to share their thoughts and suggestions, the developers may consider adjusting the section to cater to a wider range of player preferences and enhance the overall gameplay experience.