Deep Rock Galactic: New Player Noobshaming – Toxicity or Friendly Community?

A new Deep Rock Galactic player wonders about toxicity after being noobshamed in-game. Is the DRG community truly friendly?

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic is known for its friendly community, but one player’s experience raises questions about toxicity levels.


  • DRG community typically positive but not immune to toxic behavior
  • New players joining higher difficulties can frustrate experienced players
  • Balance between welcoming new players and maintaining game integrity
  • Culture clash of old and new players during influx

DRG Community: Positive or Toxic

The Deep Rock Galactic community prides itself on positivity, but interactions can turn sour when inexperienced players join high difficulty lobbies, causing frustration among veteran players. This clash highlights the need for balance between welcoming new players and upholding gameplay standards.

Cultural Shift in the DRG Community

The influx of new players drawn to DRG after disappointing AAA titles has brought about a clash in cultures. While the core DRG community seeks a cooperative and inclusive environment, newcomers may not fully grasp the game’s communal ethos, leading to strained interactions.

The Complexity of In-Game Etiquette

Issues surrounding player behavior extend to gameplay etiquette, with experienced players urging newbies to consider their impact on team dynamics. From respecting resources to communication, learning the unwritten rules of DRG can enhance the overall experience for all players involved.