Deep Rock Galactic: Players Discuss Small UI Suggestion for the Season Selection Screen

Exploring a simple yet impactful UI suggestion among players in the depths of Deep Rock Galactic.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the cavernous depths of Deep Rock Galactic, players are abuzz with a small yet impactful UI suggestion for the Season Selection screen.


  • Players propose a user-friendly change to the Season Selection screen.
  • The suggestion garners enthusiastic support from the community.
  • The proposed UI tweak aims to enhance player experience and convenience.

Community Enthusiasm

As Umikaloo queries the impact of switching seasons midway without losing progress, the discussion delves into the potential benefits and pitfalls of the proposed UI change.

Simple Yet Impactful

Colin_tap seeks clarification on the specific nature of the suggested UI alteration, showcasing the community’s keen interest in enhancing gameplay mechanics.

Support for Change

From AnnaJCarroll1’s recognition of the significant impact of a seemingly minor change to Mindless_Writer6803’s endorsement of the proposal as a quality of life improvement, players rally behind the suggested UI enhancement.