Deep Rock Galactic: R&D Magic with Bullet Capacity!

Delve into the mysterious world of Deep Rock Galactic and the strange feats of R&D with bullet capacities!

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic subreddit users are amazed by the magic of R&D in enhancing bullet capacities, from 5 rounds to 6-18 in a clip.


  • Bewildered by the impressive bullet capacity upgrades.
  • Comparisons to other games like Payday 2 and Team Fortress 2.
  • Hilarious comments about the mechanics of shooting and gun sizes.

Macmegagerc5521’s Witty Insight

One user humorously states, “That’s because R&D figured out how to shoot the whole bullet. That’s 65% more bullet per bullet.” The absurdity is not lost on the community, highlighting the quirky charm of the game’s design.

Smallshock and Smart Stout Shenanigans

Referencing an in-game item, another user suggests, “Looks like someone drank too much smart stout.” The playful banter adds a touch of whimsy to the discussion, emphasizing the lighthearted camaraderie among players.

MeisPip Reflects on Game Mechanics

Comparing to Payday 2, a user reminisces about a similar mechanic in another game, stating, “Reminds me of pd2’s m1 letting you go from 8 to 23 rounds per clip by just equipping a single skill.” The nod to other titles showcases the interconnectedness of gaming experiences.

Gracelk24PL’s Banana-Sized Bullets

Amidst the marveling at bullet capacities, a user humorously points out, “So we’re just gonna ignore Thuderhead packing 110 rounds the size of a banana.” The exaggerated imagery adds a comedic touch to the conversation, highlighting the fantastical elements within the game’s universe.

In the fascinating realm of Deep Rock Galactic, players find delight in the unexpected and peculiar innovations brought about by R&D. The community’s shared amusement and fascination reflect the game’s ability to captivate with its unique blend of charm and quirkiness, creating an engaging space where imagination runs wild. From bullet capacity marvels to whimsical banter, the discussions resonate with a sense of camaraderie and joy, showcasing the boundless creativity and humor that define the Deep Rock Galactic community. Let the magic of R&D continue to ignite the imaginations of players, crafting a world where the impossible becomes delightfully achievable.