Deep Rock Galactic: Should Dash Become a Core Ability?

Explore the debate within the Deep Rock Galactic community on whether Dash should be integrated into the base kit or if perks need a complete overhaul.

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic enthusiasts are engaged in a heated discussion about the potential inclusion of Dash as a core ability or expanding the perk system. The community is split between those advocating for Dash’s integration into the base kit and others calling for a comprehensive overhaul of the existing perk system. Let’s delve into the intriguing perspectives circulating within the hallowed halls of the Deep Rock Galactic subreddit.


  • The idea of Dash becoming a core ability garners mixed reactions, with some believing it should be a default feature for all dwarves.
  • Several players advocate for a comprehensive perk overhaul to boost the viability of underused perks.
  • Concerns are raised over the potential lack of diversity in perk selection if a third slot is introduced.

Community Perspectives

Many players are in agreement that Dash stands out as a popular and almost mandatory perk in higher difficulty levels. Its utility in providing crucial mobility and survivability advantages has led to a proposal for its integration into the base kit.

However, some players argue against the inclusion of Dash as a default ability, expressing a desire for a broader revamp of the perk system to address the imbalance between popular perks like Dash, Iron Will, and Field Medic, and the less utilized options.

One user suggests that while Dash being innate might solve the prominence issue of certain perks, the fundamental flaws within the current perk system would remain unresolved. This sentiment underscores a broader concern about the lack of diversity and strategic choice if a third perk slot were to be introduced.

Perk Overhaul Vs. Core Ability

The ongoing debate highlights differing opinions within the community. Some players believe that buffing underperforming perks is the key to promoting diversity and strategic gameplay, while others argue that integrating Dash into the base kit aligns better with the game’s core mechanics.

Players present creative ideas, such as introducing promotion-locked upgrades that allow for additional perk slots or proposing innovative changes to existing perks to enhance their appeal and usefulness.

The consensus leans towards a balanced approach that combines tweaks to existing perks with potential changes to the overall system to ensure a more varied and engaging gameplay experience.

The passionate discourse underscores the community’s dedication to enhancing Deep Rock Galactic’s gameplay mechanics while maintaining a sense of challenge and strategic depth.