Deep Rock Galactic: The Dangers of Petting in the Cave

What happens when you try to pet in Deep Rock Galactic? Let's just say it's not all rainbows and butterflies.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a world where dwarves mine in the deep unknown, one key piece of advice stands out: beware of petting the creatures in Deep Rock Galactic. It may seem harmless, but as many players have discovered, there are unforeseen consequences lurking in the shadows.


  • Petting creatures can lead to unexpected and catastrophic outcomes.
  • Players share hilarious experiences of attempting to pet in the game.
  • The community warns against the dangers of ignoring cautionary advice.

Rider_2379: Afraid of the Consequences

Rider_2379 humorously expresses the consequences of petting while playing Deep Rock Galactic.

stonlysa: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Stonlysa ponders the risks of petting Glyphids, hinting at potential disasters.

EnycmaPie: Bulk Detonator Steve’s Power

EnycmaPie admires the fictional character’s strength, subtly cautioning players against provocation.

Final Thoughts

Exploring the whimsical yet perilous world of Deep Rock Galactic, players are reminded that even the simplest actions can have monumental repercussions. So, next time you consider petting, think twice—it might just save your mining expedition.