Deep Rock Galactic: The Grappling Hook Chronicles Revealed!

Dive into the chaos of DRG physics with grappling hooks! Read on for a wild ride.

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic fans share their craziest grappling hook experiences, from Hoxxes Yeet to epic fails, and tactical advice.


  • Hoxxes Yeet – A well-known phenomenon among miners.
  • Faster Vs. Slower Grapple Speed – The eternal debate.
  • Tactical Grapple Usage – For the daring miners.

The Legendary Hoxxes Yeet

“Ah, the old Hoxxes Yeet. It doesn’t happen if you carve out a slightly larger space to stand. 2 ‘pickaxe removal units’ high instead of 1.” LiterateMax jokingly advises on avoiding gravity’s cruel jokes.

Faster vs. Slower Grapple Speed

“Why use the slower grapple speed mod (or rather not use the faster one)?” PixelPaint_Pashkow questions the player’s choice, sparking a debate on efficiency.

Tactical Grapple Usage

“I see you’re a scout main. SCOUT MINE THE NITRA ON TOP I PING IT! Iykyk,” Kindly_Researcher564 calls out for cooperative nitra mining, emphasizing teamwork over heroics.

The chaotic world of Deep Rock Galactic and its physics can lead to hilarious mishaps or genius plays, all hinging on the trusty grappling hook. Whether it’s the thrill of a last-minute save or the agony of a misfire, miners face it all with grit and humor. As they dig deeper into the dark depths of Hoxxes, these tales of grappling hook escapades only add to the lore and camaraderie among fans. So, suit up, grab your pickaxe, and always keep that grappling hook at the ready for the next adventure.