Deep Rock Galactic: The Great Ceiling Typo Debate in the Community

Deep Rock Galactic fans debate over a hilarious ceiling typo in the game!

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic fans had a blast discussing a hilarious ceiling typo in the game. The post sparked a mix of amusement and suggestions from the community.


  • Players find humor in game typos, suggesting devs keep them.
  • Community members share other amusing typos found in the game.
  • Some users speculate on the rushed nature of new entries.

The Typo Delight

Wild3689’s post about a ceiling typo in Deep Rock Galactic sent the community into a frenzy of creative suggestions and humor. With users like Fluffy-Ingenuity2536 joking that the devs made more typos than they fixed, the atmosphere was light and entertaining.

Rushing for New Entries

PixelPooflet’s comment speculating that the typo-ridden entry was a result of rushed development struck a chord with the community. The idea that popular demand led to a hastily added feature resonated with many.

Laughing at Errors

Despite the typo, users like Terrible-Cream-9487 suggested keeping it in the game, sparking a conversation on the charm of imperfections. Others like Altruistic-Potatoes added a touch of humor by playfully referencing the classic ‘i before e’ rule.