Deep Rock Galactic: The Mystery of Molly’s Pathfinding

Exploring the strange and comical adventures of Molly in Deep Rock Galactic!

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic players dive deep into the mysterious world of Molly’s pathfinding abilities. Is it a bug or a feature?


  • Players discover amusing and unexpected behaviors from Molly.
  • Suggestions for improvements in Deep Rock Galactic’s equipment are humorously discussed.
  • Community shares hilarious experiences with Molly’s unconventional paths.

Exploring Molly’s Quirky Behavior

Players recount instances where Molly’s navigation skills leave them in stitches. From donning a Spiderman mask to using gunner coils as shortcuts, Molly seems to have a mind of her own!

Equipment Upgrades for Molly

Amidst the laughter, players jokingly suggest that Deep Rock Galactic invest in better gear for their trusty companion. Will we see Molly sporting some high-tech upgrades soon?

Shared Laughter and Memorable Escapades

With over 3800 hours of playtime, players reflect on the unforgettable moments where Molly’s antics added a touch of chaos to their missions. From disappearing through railgun holes to hilarious pathfinding decisions, the community bonds over shared laughter.

Embark on a journey filled with laughter and surprises as you uncover the enigmatic world of Molly’s pathfinding in Deep Rock Galactic!