Deep Rock Galactic: Unveiling Surprising Drilldozer Revelations

Delve into the unexpected revelations surrounding the Drilldozer in Deep Rock Galactic.

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic players were taken aback by a revealing post concerning the Drilldozer on Reddit. The discussion shed light on a lesser-known aspect of repairing the Drilldozer that had many players raising eyebrows.


  • Repairing the Drilldozer with multiple teammates does not speed up the process as expected.
  • Camping on the Drilldozer might not be the best strategy in certain situations.
  • Players discussed similarities with repairing other elements in the game, prompting suggestions for improvement.

Players’ Perspectives

Thaimen shared insights from the game’s wiki, pointing out that while the Drilldozer’s repair behavior was true, it wasn’t the intended design according to the developers. This sparked a debate on the necessity of changing this mechanic, considering its impact on gameplay.

AJTP89 humorously criticized players who camped on the Drilldozer, advocating for a more proactive approach to dealing with threats. Their experiences highlighted the importance of teamwork and strategic gameplay.

Gameplay Issues

EquivalentDurian6316 raised a question about similarities in repair mechanics for other elements in the game, suggesting a need for consistency in repair processes. This led to further discussions on balancing game mechanics to enhance player experience.

VintageGriffin shared a tip on optimizing repair strategies by keeping certain elements at specific health levels to mitigate risks, emphasizing the importance of careful planning during missions.

Community Reactions

maniacal_monk expressed their dissatisfaction with the current repair system, stating that multiple dwarves working on tasks should yield faster results. This sentiment resonated with players seeking more intuitive and rewarding gameplay experiences.

evansometimeskevin recounted a humorous incident during a deep dive mission, highlighting the potential for miscommunication and unexpected outcomes in cooperative gameplay scenarios.

Thallior reflected on the implications of the new repair revelation, connecting it to other game mechanics and strategies. This discussion sparked ideas on adapting gameplay tactics to accommodate new insights.

Embrace the unexpected twists and turns in Deep Rock Galactic as players unveil hidden mechanics and share strategies to navigate challenging missions.